Jefferson County, Tennessee
Where Success is Anchored in Tradition
As a hub of the Southeast, Jefferson County is located at the junctions of Interstate 81 and Interstate 40 and accessible by plane, train, automobile, and boat. Our prime location and skillful workforce have iconic brands across multiple industries, from manufacturing and technology to retail and small business, happy to call us home. But let’s not forget, Tennessee is a right-to-work state with some of the lowest state and local tax burdens in the country.
Location, location, location!
Our location at the intersection of Interstates 40 and 81, provides access to the North and Southeast by multiple modes of transportation, including water, land, and air. Jefferson County has immediate proximity to large southeastern cities, top-ranked education, and a pro-business climate offering an excellent advantage for any company or project with critical logistical needs.
Skillful Workforce, Diverse Industry Sectors
From transportation, food, and agribusiness to electrical, printing and imaging, and advanced manufacturing, Jefferson County has it all. Our central location, workforce education infrastructure, and abundant natural resources have long made us the perfect place to do business for global names like Bush’s, Matsuo, Old Dominion, Sonoco, Oshkosh, and more.
Notice of Upcoming Meeting: July 19, 2023
NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN to all Jefferson Alliance members, Jefferson County residents, and all others who may be interested that there will be a Jefferson Alliance meeting on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 8:30 A.M.
Notice of Upcoming Meeting: May 31, 2023
NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN to all Jefferson Alliance members, Jefferson County residents, and all others who may be interested that there will be a Jefferson Alliance meeting on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 8:30 A.M.
Notice of Upcoming Meeting: March 15, 2023
NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN to all Jefferson Alliance members, Jefferson County residents, and all others who may be interested that there will be a Jefferson Alliance meeting on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 8:30 A.M.